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Put me in Coach!
Help us help the disABLEd in our community. We are an all-volunteer organization and need folks that want to help our community. Just few hours a month or participating in our events can make a tremendous difference in the life of a person challenged with a disability. It is also rewarding and fun!

Help us help the disABLEd in our community. Join our Coaching Staff. A few hours a month or participating in our events can make a tremendous difference in the life of a person challenged with a disability. It is also rewarding and fun!
Put me in Coach!
Get Involved and Become a Coach
We call our Volunteers, Coaches. This is an opportunity to make a difference to those in our community that are challenged with a disability, and also have some fun. All that is needed is a desire to help. Most activities can be done based on your schedule and will require approximately 4-6 hours a month. More time may be required as the Event Days near. Won't you please pitch-in and give us some of your valuable time?
Want to help plan a day at the ballpark? Become a Game Day Event Coach. Help us plan our events. Organize the logistics, coordinate registration, make posters, organize games, stuff swag bags, etc. And take part in the actual event at that ballpark. It is so rewarding to see the smiles on the faces of the participants.
Want to help raise money? Help us plan our annual Team Trivia Fundraiser. Help secure donations for our Silent Auction. Or help solicit sponsors and donations. We also need assistance with writing and applying for grants.
Are you good at building relationships? Would you like to work directly with other organizations that are dedicated to individuals with disabilities? Our "Partners" are organizations that directly support the disABLEd community. We need "Partner Liaisons" to reach out to these organizations and explain how we can help their constituents. On-going communication is important to help build strong bonds, ensure we understand their needs and increase awareness.
Are you good at communications? Are you interested in Marketing?Timely posting to our Social Media Sites is important to help expand our reach. Assistance with traditional media is also much needed. Designing brochures, taking photos, getting newspaper and radio coverage, etc... Help us make others aware of our efforts, how we can help and the needs of the disABLEd.
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