We hope to knockdown some of the barriers people with disabilities face, through the simple act of helping to bring people with disabilities to a MLB baseball game. Attending a Game Day with a Bunch of fellow fans we believe can make a difference.
Game Day Bunch, Inc. is a 501(C3), non-profit dedicated to helping people of any age, with disabilities attend MLB games. As a young organization, we are beginning with Spring Training games. They are accessible, fun to attend and scalable to the major league level. We are an all volunteer organization. One hundred percent of all donations go towards helping the disABLEd.
Over 20% of the U.S. population is disabled. People can be born with disabilities or they can be acquired via accidents, side effects, or experiences. Examples include but are not limited to Cerebral Palsy, MS, Spinal Bifida, brain injuries, amputations, and invisible disabilities (renal failure, chronic pain, and psychological disorders). These illnesses take a toll on the body and the person as a whole.
Sharing the joy of cheering for a team and watching the action in a stadium full of fans CAN alleviate pain and distress if only for a day. Attending a Game Day with a Bunch of fellow fans we believe can make a difference. This simple act of helping to bring people with disabilities to a MLB baseball game can be life changing.

Mac & Mary Ellen McKinzie
Inspiration for Game Day Bunch, Inc.
Sports heal! It is not always about winning. It can be about cheering on a team you love, or being at an event with friends and family.
The chant U-S-A, U-S-A became ingrained into our culture at that exhilarating 1980 Olympic hockey game between the USA and Russia. Many would agree that it was the return of NFL games and other sporting events that helped our nation begin to heal from the unspeakable tragedies of 9/11. Sports bring people together!
We witnessed this healing from sporting events in our own family.
My mother, Mary McKinzie, became a double amputee in her 60’s, into her 70’s. First the right leg then the left. The trauma was devastating to the entire family. After being released from the hospital and excelling at the rehabilitation center, she refused to leave her home. That was until my father, Mac, informed her their season tickets had arrived to the Red Sox Spring Training. The first game was the next day. She was dressed and ready to go that day – and never missed a game! She was the ultimate cheerleader for her Sox, until she became bed ridden due to additional medical complications.
She experienced pure joy while attending each game. Of course, there were days when she had to leave in the third or fourth inning due to fatigue but being at a game in the sunshine was revitalizing.
It was the first step towards reclaiming her life. Soon after, she was going to the Sanibel causeway to enjoy the beach, restaurants, and so on. Yes, attending a baseball game can be life changing - especially to those with disabilities and handicaps.
A year after losing our Mom, my Dad had hip surgery hoping to return to the golf course. All surgeries have risk and this one left him unable to walk without the aid of a walker. Once again, if not for those baseball games my Dad would have stayed home; instead, he attended all the games, cheered, and shared his days with other fans and friends. His life was so much fuller due to Game Day!